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Giải nghĩa:

/ˈtɛnjʊər/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. việc chiếm hữu bất động sản, việc chiếm hữu ruộng đất, việc chiếm hữu ruộng đất theo sự thừa kế trên cơ sở mối quan hệ phụ thuộc phong kiến;
2. nhiệm kỳ, thời hạn chiếm hữu;
3. nắm giữ (chức vụ).

A more throughout explanation: Tenure refers to the right to hold a position or office, especially a permanent position, typically in an academic or government setting. It can also refer to the period during which someone holds such a position or office. In legal terms, tenure often implies a guaranteed right to employment or a position for a specified period of time, subject to certain conditions or requirements.

Example: John was granted tenure as a professor at the university after years of dedicated service.


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