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Từ vựng:

non-compellable witness

Giải nghĩa:

/nɒn kəmˈpeləbəl ˈwɪtnəs/ – Phrase

Definition: nhân chứng không bắt buộc phải cung cấp lời khai.

A more thorough explanation: A non-compellable witness is an individual who cannot be legally compelled to testify in a court proceeding or provide evidence, typically due to a recognized privilege or protection under the law. This may include situations where the witness has a special relationship with the party involved, such as a spouse or attorney-client relationship, or where the witness has a legal right to refuse to testify, such as in cases involving self-incrimination.

Example: In the trial, the defense attorney attempted to subpoena the non-compellable witness, but the judge ruled that the witness could not be forced to testify.


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