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Từ vựng:

motion in arrest of judgement

Giải nghĩa:

/moʊʃən ɪn əˈrɛst əv dʒʌdʒmənt/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. đơn xin tạm ngưng thi hành phán quyết của tòa án;
2. đơn xin không đưa ra phán quyết hay tuyên án vì bản cáo trạng có những chỗ không đúng.

A more thorough explanation: A motion in arrest of judgment is a legal request made by a party in a court case asking the judge to set aside or “arrest” a judgment that has been entered in the case. This motion is typically made after a verdict has been reached but before the judgment is officially entered by the court. The party making the motion argues that there are legal grounds for the judgment to be set aside, such as errors in the trial process or lack of evidence to support the verdict. The judge will then consider the motion and decide whether to grant it, which could result in a new trial or other legal proceedings.

Example: In the case of Smith v. Jones, the defense attorney filed a motion in arrest of judgment, arguing that the prosecution had failed to present sufficient evidence to support the guilty verdict.


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