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Từ vựng:

form of words

Giải nghĩa:

/fɔːrm əv wɜːdz/ – Phrase

Definition: cụm từ hoặc cụm từ được sử dụng trong văn bản pháp lý.

A more thorough explanation: 1. the correct spelling and use of words and phrases in a particular context or for a particular meaning, especially where certain forms are often confused and misused. This is especially true in legal contexts, where the precise and correct use of language can be very important.
2. the words and phrases used in a particular context or for a particular meaning, especially where certain forms are considered correct and others incorrect. This is especially true in legal contexts, where the precise and correct use of language can be very important.

Example: 1. The correct form is “payed out dividends” because dividends come from a larger pool of profits earned from the investment.
2. Yet there is no proposed form of words for any constitutional amendment and no clear timetable for a referendum.


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