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Từ vựng:

bill in the nature of a bill of review

Giải nghĩa:

/bɪl ɪn ðə ˈneɪtʃər ʌv ə bɪl ʌv rɪˈvjuː/ – Phrase

Definition: đơn kiện của người thứ ba đòi xem xét lại vụ án.

A more thorough explanation: A bill in the nature of a bill of review is a legal document filed in a court seeking a review of a final judgment or decree that has already been entered in the case. This type of bill typically alleges errors in the original judgment or decree and asks the court to reconsider or modify its decision based on those alleged errors. It is a procedural mechanism used to challenge the validity or correctness of a prior judgment or decree.

Example: In the case of Smith v. Jones, the plaintiff filed a bill in the nature of a bill of review seeking to challenge the final judgment entered by the court.


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