Từ vựng:

action for the annulment of administrative decision

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈækʃən fɔr ði əˈnʌlmənt ʌv ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv dɪˈsɪʒən/ – Phrase

Definition: tố quyền xin thủ tiêu một quyết định hành chính.

A more throughout explanation: An action for the annulment of an administrative decision refers to a legal proceeding initiated by an individual or entity seeking to challenge the validity or legality of a decision made by a government authority or administrative body. This type of action typically involves a judicial review of the administrative decision to determine if it was made in accordance with the law and procedural requirements. If the court finds that the decision was unlawful, it may be annulled or declared void.

Example: The plaintiff filed an action for the annulment of the administrative decision made by the local government.


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