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Từ vựng:

(to) break down a witness

Giải nghĩa:

/tə breɪk daʊn ə ˈwɪtnəs/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. phê phán nhân chứng hay lời khai của nhân chứng;
2. bác bỏ lời khai của nhân chứng.

A more thorough explanation: To “break down a witness” in legal terms refers to the process of questioning a witness in a way that aims to undermine their credibility, reliability, or the accuracy of their testimony. This can involve challenging the witness’s recollection of events, pointing out inconsistencies in their statements, or questioning their motives or biases. The goal of breaking down a witness is to weaken the witness’s testimony and cast doubt on the truthfulness of their account.

Example: During the cross-examination, the defense attorney attempted to break down the witness’s testimony by asking pointed questions and presenting contradictory evidence.


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