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Từ vựng:

suspect’s consistency

Giải nghĩa:

/səˈspɛkts kənˈsɪstənsi/ – Phrase

Definition: sự nhất quán của những lời khai của người bị tình nghi với những lời khai trước đây của họ.

A more thorough explanation: “Consistency of a suspect” refers to the degree to which a suspect’s statements, behavior, or actions remain the same or unchanged over time, particularly in the context of a criminal investigation or legal proceeding. In legal terms, the consistency of a suspect may be evaluated to assess the credibility of their account or to determine the reliability of their statements in relation to the facts of the case. Inconsistencies in a suspect’s version of events or behavior may raise doubts about their truthfulness or involvement in a crime.

Example: The suspect’s consistency in providing alibis for his whereabouts on the night of the crime raised doubts among the investigators.


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