Từ vựng:

sovereign prerogative

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈsɒvrɪn prɪˈrɒɡətɪv/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. (Anh) đặc quyền của quốc trưởng;
2. đặc quyền bắt nguồn từ chủ quyền.

A more throughout explanation: Sovereign prerogative refers to the exclusive and inherent authority or power that a sovereign state or government possesses, which is not subject to interference or control by any external authority. It encompasses the discretionary powers and privileges that are traditionally vested in the head of state or government, allowing them to make decisions and take actions in the best interest of the state without being bound by legal limitations or constraints.

Example: The decision to declare war is a sovereign prerogative of the government.


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