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Từ vựng:

rule of doubt

Giải nghĩa:

/rul ʌv daʊt/ – Phrase

Definition: “quy tắc về sự nghi ngờ” (1. việc giải thích sự nghi ngờ có lợi cho bị cáo;2. việc giải thích nghi ngờ về khả năng cấp bằng sáng chế có lợi cho người đứng đơn).

A more thorough explanation: The legal term “rule of doubt” refers to a principle in law that when there is doubt or uncertainty about the interpretation of a law or legal provision, the interpretation that is most favorable to the individual or party affected by the doubt should be adopted. This principle is often applied in criminal law to ensure that any ambiguity is resolved in favor of the accused.

Example: In criminal cases, the rule of doubt requires that the prosecution prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.


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