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Từ vựng:

residence (residential) qualification

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈrɛzɪdəns kwɑlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ – Phrase

Definition: điều kiện về thời gian cư trú.

A more thorough explanation: A residence qualification refers to a requirement that an individual must live in a specific place or area for a certain period of time in order to be eligible for certain rights, benefits, or privileges. This requirement is often used in legal contexts to determine eligibility for voting, running for office, receiving government assistance, or accessing certain services. A residence qualification typically involves establishing a fixed and permanent place of abode within a particular jurisdiction.

Example: In order to be eligible to vote in the local elections, individuals must meet the residence qualification of having lived in the district for at least six months.


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