/ˌpriːˌkwɒlɪfɪˈkeɪʃən/ – Noun
Definition: Quá trình đánh giá sơ bộ để xác định khả năng hoặc đủ điều kiện cho một cá nhân hoặc tổ chức tham gia vào một giao dịch hoặc hợp đồng.
A more thorough explanation: 1. a first estimate of the amount that a person can borrow
2. a general first assessment of whether or not a product does what it claims to be able to do, or a person or institution is able to do what it claims to be able to do
3. if a contractor makes a bid to work on a particular project, or a private person or institution wishes to provide work for another person or institution, the pre-qualification stage gives the institution offering the work the opportunity to check whether or not the bidder in question is actually able to complete the work
Example: 1. Many lenders provide an online pre-qualification service.
2. Prequalification is intended to give these agencies the choice of a wide range of quality medicines for bulk purchase.
3. Then Invitations for Expressions of Interest stage is a prequalification stage for the submission of a Request for Proposals from suitably qualified private sector providers. It allows us to review the technical and financial ability of potential operators to manage and operate the landfill.