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Từ vựng:

motion for new trial

Giải nghĩa:

/moʊʃən fər nuː traɪəl/ – Phrase

Definition: đơn xin xử lại vụ án.

A more thorough explanation: A “motion for new trial” is a formal request made by a party in a legal case asking the court to set aside the verdict or judgment that has been rendered in the case and to grant a new trial. This motion is typically based on specific grounds such as errors in the trial proceedings, newly discovered evidence, or misconduct by a party or the jury. The purpose of a motion for new trial is to give the party an opportunity to present their case again in front of a new jury or judge in order to seek a different outcome.

Example: In the case of Smith v. Jones, the defense attorney filed a motion for new trial based on newly discovered evidence that was not available during the original trial.


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