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/ˈmɑːstəˈ/ – Noun

Definition: 1. thuyền trưởng;
2. chủ, người thuê nhân công;
3. trợ lý thẩm phán (người chỉ đạo việc thụ lý sơ bộ và chuẩn bị hồ sơ vụ án để xét xử cũng như tính lệ phí tư pháp);
4. thạc sĩ;
5. hiệu trưởng trường đại học.

A more throughout explanation: In legal terms, the word “master” can refer to a person who has control or authority over something or someone, such as a master of a ship or a master of a business. It can also refer to a person who has achieved a high level of skill or expertise in a particular field, such as a master craftsman. Additionally, in some legal contexts, “master” can refer to a judge or officer of the court who is responsible for overseeing certain aspects of a case or legal proceeding.

Example: The master of the ship was responsible for ensuring the crew followed all safety regulations while at sea.


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