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Từ vựng:

legal framing

Giải nghĩa:

/liːɡəl ˈfreɪmɪŋ/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. việc xây dựng luật pháp, việc soạn thảo các quy phạm pháp luật;
2. cấu trúc của luật pháp;
3. thể chế pháp lý, pháp chế.

A more thorough explanation: Legal framing refers to the process of presenting or structuring a legal argument, issue, or concept in a particular way in order to influence how it is perceived or understood by a court, tribunal, or other legal decision-making body. This can involve selecting and emphasizing certain facts, legal principles, or arguments while downplaying or omitting others, with the goal of persuading the decision-maker to adopt a particular interpretation or outcome.

Example: In the legal framing of the contract, the parties clearly outlined their respective rights and obligations.


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