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Từ vựng:

innocent misrepresentation

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈɪnəsənt ˌmɪsˌrɛprɪzɛnˈteɪʃən/ – Phrase

Definition: việc vô tình gây nhầm lẫn, việc gây nhầm lẫn vô tội.

A more thorough explanation: Innocent misrepresentation refers to a situation in contract law where a false statement is made by one party to another, but the party making the statement genuinely believed it to be true and had no intention to deceive. This type of misrepresentation is made without any knowledge of its falsity and is not made recklessly. Innocent misrepresentation may still give rise to legal remedies for the party who relied on the false statement and suffered harm as a result.

Example: In a contract dispute, the defendant argued that the plaintiff’s claim of innocent misrepresentation was unfounded as the plaintiff had failed to provide sufficient evidence to support their assertion.


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