Từ vựng:

federal corrections

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈfɛdərəl kəˈrɛkʃənz/ – Phrase

Definition: (Mỹ) 1. trại cải tạo của liên bang;
2. các biện pháp cải tạo theo luật pháp liên bang.

A more throughout explanation: Federal corrections refers to the system of correctional facilities and programs operated by the federal government to incarcerate and rehabilitate individuals who have been convicted of federal crimes. This system is responsible for managing federal prisons, probation and parole services, and other related programs aimed at maintaining public safety and promoting the rehabilitation of offenders under federal jurisdiction.

Example: The federal corrections system is responsible for managing and overseeing the incarceration of individuals convicted of federal crimes.


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