Từ vựng:

executive calendar

Giải nghĩa:

/ɪɡˈzɛkjətɪv ˈkæləndər/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. danh sách những công việc của người quản lý;
2. danh sách những công việc của quan chức thực thi pháp luật.

A more throughout explanation: The term “executive calendar” typically refers to a schedule or list of executive or administrative matters that require attention or action within a specific organization or government body. In a legal context, it may specifically refer to a calendar or schedule of executive or administrative matters that are to be considered or addressed by a legislative body, such as the U.S. Senate, in the course of its duties. The executive calendar may include items such as nominations, treaties, and other executive branch matters that require Senate approval or consideration.

Example: The executive calendar is used by the Senate to schedule and prioritize the consideration of executive nominations and treaties.


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