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deposition de bene esse

Giải nghĩa:

/ˌdɛpəˈzɪʃən ˌde ˈbɛnɪ ˈɛsɪ/ – Phrase

Definition: bản khai có tuyên thệ của nhân chứng được tuyển chọn trong quá trình xét xử vụ án để làm chứng cứ khi không thể thẩm vấn tiếp nhân chứng.

A more thorough explanation: A deposition de bene esse is a legal term referring to a deposition taken under special circumstances where the witness’s testimony is recorded in advance of a trial or hearing because the witness may be unavailable or unable to testify at the time of the trial. The deposition de bene esse is typically used to preserve the witness’s testimony for use in court if the witness becomes unavailable in the future.

Example: During the trial, the witness’s deposition de bene esse was admitted as evidence because the witness was unable to attend the court proceedings in person.


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