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Từ vựng:

colourable pleading

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈkʌlərəbəl ˈpliːdɪŋ/ – Phrase

Definition: việc thừa nhận đơn kiện có vẻ là có cơ sở pháp lý (để rồi sau đó bác bỏ hiệu lực pháp lý của nó).

A more thorough explanation: A colorable pleading is a legal term that refers to a pleading or argument that appears to be valid or genuine on its face, but is actually false or misleading. It is a deceptive or misleading pleading that is intended to disguise the true nature of the claim or defense being asserted. Colorable pleadings are generally not allowed in legal proceedings as they undermine the integrity of the judicial process.

Example: The defendant argued that the plaintiff’s claim was based on a colourable pleading, as it lacked sufficient evidence to support the allegations made in the complaint.


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