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attractive nuisance doctrine

Giải nghĩa:

/əˈtræktɪv ˈnuːsəns ˈdɒktrɪn/ – Phrase

Definition: quy chế về trách nhiệm của chủ sở hữu đối với những hậu quả nguy hại của nguồn nguy hiểm hấp dẫn trẻ con.

A more thorough explanation: The attractive nuisance doctrine is a legal principle that holds property owners liable for injuries to children caused by an attractive feature on their property that may be dangerous, even if the children were trespassing at the time of the injury. The doctrine is based on the idea that property owners have a duty to take reasonable steps to prevent harm to children who may be drawn to the dangerous condition by its attractiveness.

Example: The attractive nuisance doctrine holds property owners liable for injuries to children caused by an attractive feature on their property, such as a swimming pool, if they fail to take reasonable steps to prevent access by children.


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