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Từ vựng:

assignment of errors on appeal

Giải nghĩa:

/əˈsaɪnmənt ʌv ˈɛrərz ɒn əˈpiːl/ – Phrase

Definition: công nhận những chỗ sai sót trong bản án bị kháng cáo,

A more thorough explanation: “Assignment of errors on appeal” refers to the formal process in which a party in a legal case identifies and presents specific legal errors or mistakes made by the lower court during the trial proceedings. These errors are then raised as grounds for appeal to a higher court, with the aim of having the lower court’s decision overturned or modified. The assignment of errors on appeal is a crucial step in the appellate process as it helps focus the higher court’s attention on the specific legal issues in dispute.

Example: In the appellate brief, the appellant argued that the trial court committed reversible error in its assignment of errors on appeal, specifically challenging the admission of certain evidence.


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