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Từ vựng:

aim justified

Giải nghĩa:

/eɪm ˈdʒʌstəˌfaɪd/ – Phrase

Definition: mục đích hợp lý, mục đích chính đáng, mục đích có thể biện minh được.

A more thorough explanation: In legal terms, the word “aim” is often used to refer to the specific intention or purpose behind a particular action or decision. It can be justified when it is deemed to be reasonable, lawful, and in accordance with relevant laws, regulations, or ethical standards. Justification of an aim typically involves demonstrating that the intended outcome is legitimate, necessary, and proportionate to the circumstances at hand.

Example: The defendant argued that his actions were in self-defense, and therefore his aim was justified in the eyes of the law.


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