Từ vựng:

adversary proceedings

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈadvərˌsɛri ˈprɑˌsidɪŋz/ – Phrase

Definition: trình tự tố tụng tư pháp trong vụ tranh chấp giữa các bên, vụ kiện tụng lẫn nhau.

A more throughout explanation: Adversary proceedings refer to a legal process in which two opposing parties present their arguments and evidence before a court or other judicial body to resolve a dispute or issue. This term is commonly used in the context of litigation, where each party is considered an adversary of the other and seeks to advance their own interests or position. Adversary proceedings typically involve formal legal procedures and rules to ensure a fair and impartial resolution of the matter in dispute.

Example: In the adversary proceedings, the plaintiff and defendant presented their arguments before the judge to resolve the dispute.


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