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Từ vựng:

withdrawal of nationality

Giải nghĩa:

/wɪðˈdrɔːəl ʌv nəˈʃɒnælɪti/ – Phrase

Definition: việc tước quốc tịch.

A more thorough explanation: The legal English definition of “withdrawal of nationality” refers to the official act of revoking or stripping an individual of their citizenship or nationality by a government authority. This action can be taken for various reasons, such as if the individual obtained citizenship through fraudulent means, engaged in activities deemed detrimental to the state, or acquired citizenship of another country while retaining their original nationality. The process of withdrawal of nationality typically involves legal procedures and may have significant consequences for the individual, including loss of rights and privileges associated with citizenship.

Example: The government announced the withdrawal of nationality from individuals involved in terrorist activities.


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