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Giải nghĩa:

/ˌʌnkəˈmɪtɪd/ – adjective

Definition: 1. không cam kết;
2. không liên kết (về quốc gia);
3. chưa phạm tội, chưa thực hiện hành vi phạm tội;
4. không bị giam;
5. chưa chuyển cho ủy ban của nghị viện (về dự luật).

A more thorough explanation: In a legal context, the term “uncommitted” typically refers to a situation where a person or entity has not made a formal commitment or obligation to a particular course of action or agreement. It implies a lack of binding commitment or dedication to a specific obligation or contract.

Example: The defendant remained uncommitted to any specific course of action during the trial.


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