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Từ vựng:

(to) waive a trial

Giải nghĩa:

/tə weɪv ə ˈtraɪəl/ – Phrase

Definition: khước từ thủ tục xét xử vụ án (cùng với những đảm bảo tố tụng bắt nguồn từ đó).

A more thorough explanation: To waive a trial means to voluntarily give up the right to have a trial in a legal proceeding. This decision is typically made by a party in a case who chooses to forego the opportunity to present evidence, cross-examine witnesses, or have a judge or jury decide the outcome of the case. By waiving a trial, the party may be agreeing to accept a certain outcome or to resolve the matter through alternative means, such as a settlement or plea agreement.

Example: The defendant decided to waive a trial and instead opted for a plea bargain.


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