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Từ vựng:

(to) admit by demurrer

Giải nghĩa:

/tə ədˈmɪt baɪ dɪˈmɜrər/ – Phrase

Definition: thừa nhận sự việc bằng cách phản đối sự liên quan đến vụ án của những lý lẽ do đối phương đưa ra.

A more thorough explanation: “To admit by demurrer” in legal English refers to the act of accepting or acknowledging the truth of certain facts alleged by the opposing party in a legal pleading, typically in response to a demurrer filed by the opposing party challenging the legal sufficiency of the pleading. By admitting certain facts through a demurrer, a party is essentially agreeing that those facts are true for the purposes of the legal proceedings.

Example: In the case, the defendant chose to admit the facts alleged in the plaintiff’s complaint by demurrer, rather than filing an answer.


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