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Giải nghĩa:

/səbˈstæntɪvˈ/ – adjective

Definition: 1. về thực chất, liên quan đến nội dung;
2. thuộc luật thực tại, thuộc quyền vật thể;
3. cơ bản, chủ yếu, thật sự.

A more throughout explanation: In legal English, the term “substantive” refers to matters that are substantial, essential, or pertaining to the merits of a case or issue, as opposed to procedural or formal aspects. Substantive law establishes the rights and obligations of individuals and organizations, as well as the standards for conduct and behavior in society. It is the body of law that defines and regulates legal rights and duties.

Example: The attorney argued that there was not enough substantive evidence to support the plaintiff’s claim.


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