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Từ vựng:

relinquishment of a succession

Giải nghĩa:

/rɪˈlɪŋkwɪʃmənt ʌv ə səkˈsɛʃən/ – Phrase

Definition: việc khước từ thừa kế, việc từ bỏ quyền thừa kế.

A more thorough explanation: Relinquishment of a succession refers to the act of giving up or renouncing one’s right to inherit or receive assets or property as part of an estate or inheritance. This legal term typically arises in the context of probate and estate law, where an individual voluntarily chooses to forego their entitlement to inherit from a deceased person’s estate.

Example: The relinquishment of a succession occurs when an heir voluntarily gives up their right to inherit property or assets from a deceased individual.


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