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Từ vựng:

prosecutorial abuse

Giải nghĩa:

/prɑːˈsɛkjʊˌtɔːriəl əˈbjuːs/ – Phrase

Definition: lạm dụng quyền công tố (trong quá trình xét xử).

A more thorough explanation: Prosecutorial abuse refers to a situation where a prosecutor engages in misconduct or overzealousness in their pursuit of a conviction, potentially violating the rights of the defendant. This can include various actions, such as:
1. Withholding exculpatory evidence: Failing to disclose evidence that could benefit the defendant
2. Making improper arguments: Using inflammatory or prejudicial language in their closing arguments
3. Engaging in misconduct during trial: Violating the rules of evidence or procedure
4. Using coercive tactics to obtain confessions: Employing improper methods to force a defendant to admit guilt

Example: A prosecutor in a murder trial intentionally withholds evidence that could potentially exonerate the defendant. This would be considered prosecutorial abuse as it violates the defendant’s right to a fair trial.


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