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Từ vựng:

prosecution by complaint

Giải nghĩa:

/prɑːˈsɪkjuːʃən baɪ kəmˈpleɪnt/ – Phrase

Definition: truy cứu hình sự theo đơn khiếu tố (của người bị hại).

A more thorough explanation: Prosecution by complaint refers to the initiation of legal proceedings against an individual or entity based on a formal complaint filed by a private citizen or entity, rather than by a government prosecutor or law enforcement agency. In this context, the complainant acts as the initiator of the legal action, typically by submitting a written statement outlining the alleged offense or wrongdoing committed by the accused party. The prosecution by complaint process may vary depending on the jurisdiction and legal system in which it takes place.

Example: The defendant was notified of the prosecution by complaint filed by the plaintiff, alleging breach of contract.


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