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Từ vựng:

proof of official record

Giải nghĩa:

/pru:v ʌv əˈfɪʃəl ˈrɛkərd/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. chứng cứ là tài liệu chính thức;
2. có thể chứng minh được bằng tài liệu chính thức;
3. chứng minh tài liệu chính thức đó là xác thực.

A more thorough explanation: Proof of official record refers to evidence that is presented in a legal proceeding to establish the authenticity and accuracy of a document or record that has been created or maintained by a government agency or other official entity. This type of proof typically involves presenting certified copies of the original record or documents, along with testimony from a qualified witness who can attest to the record’s validity and the procedures followed in creating and maintaining it. Proof of official record is often required in court cases to establish facts or events that are recorded in official documents, such as birth certificates, marriage licenses, property deeds, or court orders.

Example: The attorney presented the proof of official record, which included a certified copy of the birth certificate, as evidence in the court case.


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