/pru:f frʌm ði kənˈtrɛri/ – Phrase
Definition: 1. chứng cứ từ điều ngược lại;
2. chứng minh từ điều ngược lại;
3. có thể chứng minh được từ điều ngược lại.
A more thorough explanation: “Proof from the contrary” is a legal term that refers to a method of proving a fact or proposition by demonstrating that the opposite is false. In other words, it involves establishing the truth of a claim by showing that the opposite claim is not true. This method of proof is often used in legal proceedings to support an argument or assertion.
Example: In a court of law, the burden of proof lies with the prosecution to prove the defendant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. The defense may present evidence to show proof to the contrary, casting doubt on the prosecution’s case.