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Từ vựng:

party and party costs

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈpɑːti ən ˈpɑːti kɒsts/ – Phrase

Definition: lệ phí tư pháp bên thua phải trả cho bên thắng kiện.

A more thorough explanation: In legal terms, the word “party” refers to a person or entity involved in a legal proceeding, such as a lawsuit or a contract. Parties can be plaintiffs (those bringing a legal action) or defendants (those defending against a legal action), as well as other individuals or entities with a legal interest in the matter at hand.

“Party costs” typically refer to the legal costs and expenses incurred by the parties involved in a legal proceeding. These costs may include attorney fees, court fees, expert witness fees, and other expenses related to the litigation process. In some cases, the court may order one party to pay the costs of the other party as part of the final judgment or settlement.

Example: In the lawsuit, each party is responsible for their own party costs, including attorney fees and court expenses.


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