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Từ vựng:

parent ambiguity

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈpɛrənt æmbɪˈɡjuɪti/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. sự mập mờ rõ ràng (của văn bản);
2. tính chất mơ hồ của những nội dung được bằng sáng chế bảo vệ.

A more thorough explanation: “Parent ambiguity” refers to a situation where the identity or legal status of a parent is unclear or uncertain, leading to confusion or dispute regarding parental rights and responsibilities. This ambiguity may arise in cases of adoption, surrogacy, or other non-traditional family structures where the roles of individuals in relation to a child may not be clearly defined under the law.

Example: The parent ambiguity in the contract led to confusion regarding the responsibilities of each party involved.


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