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Từ vựng:

offence of agreeing to indemnify sureties

Giải nghĩa:

/əˈfɛns ʌv əˈɡriɪŋ tə ˌɪndɛmˈnɪfaɪ ˈʃʊrɪtiz/ – Phrase

Definition: việc thỏa thuận trái phép chuyện đền bù số tiền bảo lãnh.

A more thorough explanation: The legal English definition of the offence of agreeing to indemnify sureties refers to the act of making an agreement to compensate or protect individuals who have provided a guarantee or assurance for the performance of another party’s obligations. This offence typically involves a promise to cover any losses or liabilities incurred by the sureties in the event that the primary party fails to fulfill their obligations. It is a legal violation that may be subject to penalties or sanctions under relevant laws and regulations.

Example: The offence of agreeing to indemnify sureties is considered a violation of the law in many jurisdictions.


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