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Từ vựng:

life gage

Giải nghĩa:

/laɪf geɪdʒ/ – Phrase

Definition: cầm cố sống (thu nhập từ việc sử dụng tài sản cầm cố được tính vào số tiền trả nợ).

A more thorough explanation: The legal term “life gage” refers to a type of mortgage or security interest where the borrower conveys real property to the lender as security for a debt, with the condition that the borrower retains possession and use of the property as long as they fulfill the terms of the loan agreement. If the borrower defaults on the loan, the lender may take possession of the property.

Example: The life gage on the property was set at 30 years, meaning that the owner had to maintain the property for at least that duration before transferring ownership.


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