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joinder in issue

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈdʒɔɪndər ɪn ˈɪʃuː/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. đồng ý đưa vấn đề do đối phương nêu ra cho tòa án giải quyết;
2. việc chấp nhận quyết định do bên kia đưa ra.

A more thorough explanation: Joinder in issue refers to the process in a legal proceeding where parties come together to address and resolve a specific point of contention or dispute that is relevant to the case. It involves the parties formally joining together to present arguments, evidence, and legal reasoning related to the specific issue in question. The purpose of joinder in issue is to streamline the legal process by focusing on resolving specific points of disagreement between the parties.

Example: In the lawsuit, the joinder in issue occurred when both parties agreed to consolidate their claims regarding the breach of contract.


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