Từ vựng:

international extradition

Giải nghĩa:

/ɪntərˈnæʃənl ˌɛkstrəˈdɪʃən/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. việc dẫn độ tội phạm giữa các nước;
2. việc trao trả tội phạm căn cứ theo hiệp định hay công ước quốc tế.

A more throughout explanation: International extradition refers to the legal process by which one country requests and obtains the surrender of a suspected or convicted criminal from another country. This typically occurs when the individual has fled to another country to avoid prosecution or punishment for a crime committed in the requesting country. The extradition process involves formal requests between the countries involved, as well as adherence to any applicable extradition treaties or agreements.

Example: The suspect was arrested in Spain and is facing international extradition to the United States to stand trial for financial fraud.


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