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Giải nghĩa:

/ɪnˈstrʌkt/ – Verb

Definition: 1. chỉ thị, hướng dẫn, căn dặn (các bồi thẩm);
2. thông báo, cho biết;
3. trình bày các tình tiết vụ án (cho luật sư), giao cho quản lý công việc;
4. (Scot) chứng minh, xác nhận.

A more throughout explanation: In a legal context, the term “instruct” means to provide authoritative direction, guidance, or orders to someone, typically in the context of a legal proceeding or contractual relationship. It involves giving clear and specific directions or commands to another party to carry out a particular action or task.

Example: The judge will instruct the jury on the legal principles they must consider when reaching a verdict.


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