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Giải nghĩa:

/ˌɪnstɪˈtjuːʃən/ – Noun

Definition: 1. việc sáng lập, việc thiết lập, việc thành lập, việc thụ phong;
2. thể chế, định chế;
3. việc chỉ định người thừa kế;
4. việc mở đầu (vụ án, việc truy tố).

A more throughout explanation: An institution is a significant organization or establishment, typically with a specific purpose or function, that is recognized and regulated by law. It may refer to a variety of entities such as government agencies, educational establishments, financial organizations, or social structures that play a key role in society.

Example: The institution of marriage is recognized and protected by law in many countries.


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