Từ vựng:

forfeiture for offence

Giải nghĩa:

/fɔːrˈfɪtʃər fər əˈfɛns/ – Phrase

Definition: 1. tịch thu tài sản để trừng phạt hành vi phạm tội;
2. mất quyền được khấu trừ thời gian ngồi tù vì hạnh kiểm tốt do có hành vi phạm pháp mới.

A more throughout explanation: Forfeiture for an offense refers to the legal process by which a person is required to give up their property or rights as a penalty for committing a crime or offense. This may involve the confiscation of assets or property that were used in the commission of the offense or were gained as a result of the criminal activity. The forfeiture is typically ordered by a court as part of the sentencing process following a criminal conviction.

Example: The court ordered the forfeiture of the defendant’s vehicle as a penalty for the drug trafficking offence.


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