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Từ vựng:

equitable assets

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈɛkwɪtəbəl ˈæsɛts/ – Phrase

Definition: phần di sản có thể thu hồi nợ trong khuôn khổ luật công bằng.

A more thorough explanation: Equitable assets refer to assets that are subject to the jurisdiction of a court of equity, which may include property or funds that are held in trust, as well as assets that are distributed based on principles of fairness and justice rather than strict legal rules. These assets are typically administered and distributed according to equitable principles to ensure fairness and justice among the parties involved.

Example: In the divorce settlement, the court divided the couple’s assets into separate categories, including equitable assets such as the marital home and joint savings account.


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