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/ɪnˈtrɛnʧmənt/ – noun

Definition: 1. việc xác lập vững chắc (đòi hỏi phải có đa số vững chắc hay một thủ tục đặc biệt để thay đổi một quy phạm nào đó);
2. việc xâm hại, việc xâm phạm.

A more throughout explanation: Entrenchment refers to the act of establishing or securing a position, right, or privilege in a way that makes it difficult to change or remove. In a legal context, it often refers to a situation where certain rights or provisions are deeply ingrained or firmly established, making them resistant to modification or repeal.

Example: The company’s policy on non-disclosure agreements includes a clause on entrenchment, ensuring that sensitive information remains protected even in the event of a change in ownership.


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