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Từ vựng:

demurrer to information

Giải nghĩa:

/dəˈmɜrər tuː ɪnˈfɔrməʃən/ – Phrase

Definition: bác bỏ tính liên quan của những sự việc nêu trong lời cáo buộc.

A more thorough explanation: A demurrer to information is a legal pleading in which the defendant challenges the sufficiency of the charges or allegations set forth in the information (a formal criminal charge filed by a prosecutor). The defendant asserts that even if all the facts alleged in the information are true, they do not amount to a crime or do not provide a legal basis for prosecution. The purpose of filing a demurrer to information is to request the court to dismiss the charges against the defendant.

Example: The defense attorney filed a demurrer to the information, arguing that the charges were not supported by sufficient evidence.


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