Từ vựng:

definite sentencing

Giải nghĩa:

/ˈdɛfənət ˈsɛntənsɪŋ/ – Phrase

Definition: việc tuyên án với hình phạt xác định, việc xác định biện pháp trừng phạt nhất định.

A more throughout explanation: Definite sentencing refers to a sentencing system in which a convicted individual is given a specific, predetermined period of time to be served in prison or under other forms of correctional supervision. This type of sentencing provides clarity and certainty regarding the length of the individual’s punishment, as opposed to indeterminate sentencing where the release date is determined by a parole board based on the individual’s behavior and rehabilitation progress.

Example: In the case of a serious crime, the judge imposed a definite sentencing of 10 years in prison without the possibility of parole.


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