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Từ vựng:

defence to counterclaim

Giải nghĩa:

/dɪˈfɛns tə ˈkaʊntərˌkleɪm/ – Phrase

Definition: biện hộ chống lại đơn kiện lại, biện hộ bác đơn phản tố.

A more thorough explanation: In legal terms, a “defence to counterclaim” refers to a response or argument put forth by a defendant in a lawsuit in response to a counterclaim made by the plaintiff. It is a legal assertion made by the defendant to challenge or refute the claims made in the counterclaim brought against them. The defence to counterclaim aims to provide reasons or evidence to support the defendant’s position and defend against the allegations made in the counterclaim.

Example: In response to the plaintiff’s allegations, the defendant filed a defence to counterclaim, asserting that the plaintiff’s own actions were the cause of the damages claimed.


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