Từ vựng:


Giải nghĩa:

/kənˈfɛdərət/ – noun

Definition: 1. đồng minh, thành viên liên minh, liên minh, liên hiệp, thuộc liên minh, thuộc liên bang;
2. người ủng hộ phe liên bang (1861-1865);
3. kẻ đồng lõa, kẻ đồng phạm, đồng phạm, thông mưu.

A more throughout explanation: In legal terms, “confederate” refers to a person who is involved in a conspiracy or joint criminal enterprise with another person or group of people. It typically implies a person who collaborates with others in committing a crime or engaging in illegal activities.

Example: The confederate states seceded from the Union during the American Civil War.


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