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/ˈtʃæl.ɪndʒ/ – Verb/Noun

Definition: 1. phản đối, bác bỏ;
2. không thừa nhận (đoàn bồi thẩm, nhân chứng);
3. thách thức;
4. dấu hiệu nhận biết, cho xem dấu hiệu nhận biết;
5. hỏi giấy ra vào hay mật khẩu.

A more throughout explanation: In a legal context, the term “challenge” refers to the act of questioning or objecting to a particular issue, decision, or action, often with the aim of seeking a review or reconsideration by a higher authority or court. It can also refer to the process of disputing the validity or legality of something, such as a law, regulation, contract, or decision. Challenges can be raised in various legal proceedings, including trials, appeals, administrative hearings, and other formal processes.

Example: The defendant decided to challenge the validity of the evidence presented by the prosecution.


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